The outbreak of Kansas Tuberculosis, which killed two, sick tens, among the largest in the history of the USA

The outbreak of Kansas Tuberculosis, which killed two, sick tens, among the largest in the history of the USA

The explosion of tuberculosis, which has been grabbing Kansas for almost a year, demanding two lives and infecting dozens, is one of the largest in the history of the USA.

From January 24, the Health and Environment Department in Kansas reported 67 confirmed cases of active tuberculosis, along with 79 hidden infections. However, health officials confirm that the general public has no threat.

“Until now, most of the tuberculosis cases have performed in Wyandotte, with very low risk to the general public, including in the surrounding poviats,” said health officials from the state of Kansas Wa statement.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs and spreads in the air when the symptomatic infected person speaks, cough or sings. TB can take two forms: active and latent. In its active stage, it causes a persistent cough, lasting for three weeks or longer, coughing blood or phlegm, along with chest pain, fatigue, thrills, night sweats, fever and weight loss. In their latent stage, bacteria remain dormant, causing no symptomsAnd there is no risk of transmission. However, if this is not treated, the latent stage can go to active tuberculosis.

Both inactive tuberculosis (latent tuberculosis infection) and active tuberculosis disease can be treated, but require different approaches. Treatment It includes a combination of antibiotics taken over for several months, with diagrams lasting three, four, six or even nine months, depending on the severity of infection and a specific treatment plan.

In 2023, TB won about 1.25 million lives and regained its title as the most deadly infection in the world caused by one pathogen. According to CDC data in the United States, there were a total of 8,700 tuberculosis.

Officials Kansas Health described a recent tuberculosis explosion reported since January 2024 as the largest documented in US history, since CDC began to follow cases in the 1950s. However, CDC questioned this claim, indicating at least two larger ones explosions In recent years. One of the heaviest occurred in 2015-2017 in the homeless shelters in Georgia, where the disease spread quickly, which leads to over 170 active TB cases and over 400 hidden infections. Another serious explosion in 2021 was associated with contaminated tissue used in bone transplants, 113 patients throughout the country.

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