Adults from South Asia and East Asia living in Great Britain may have clear trajectories to develop high blood pressure to their life course, in accordance with new studies published today in hypertension, American Heart Association Journal.
Scientists analyzed medical documentation for over 3,400 adults enrolled in the British Biobank, who identified themselves as origin of origin after southern Asian or East Asian. Previous studies have shown that people with the origin of Southern Asia living in Great Britain had a much higher risk of heart disease caused by blocked arteries or atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), compared to people with European origin, as well as adults of South Asia living by the United They had a higher mortality with ASCVD compared to white adults. In this case, scientists studied differences in long-term blood pressure patterns and their potential impact on the cardiovascular disease of these differences between adults of South Asia and East Asia.
High blood pressure and its management differ significantly depending on the racial and ethnic populations, and the often used “Asian” category hides these differences. This is crucial, considering that high blood pressure at a young age is the main factor contributing to the premature risk of heart disease and taking into account the initiatives to examine a separate cardiometabolic profile in various Asian subpopulations. “
So Dr. Jemma Cho, Ph.D., The author of the lead, author, PostDoctoraral Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Broad Institute of Mit and Harvard
The study uses data for adults in South Asia and East Asia, who had at least two blood pressure readings during basic healthcare visits after 18 years. Scientists followed the events of the heart disease of participants, including heart attacks, stroke and peripheral arteries, using hospitalization and outpatient care records. Based on these starting differences, as well as risk factors, including the current state of smoking, diet assessment and the measure of social health determinants, scientists estimated participants’ blood pressure patterns at five-year growths and modeled their expected relationships with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The analysis showed that:
- Adults from South Asia have undergone earlier and faster increase in blood pressure compared to adults of East Asia. At the age of 30, the average anticipated spasm blood pressure was 124.9 mmhg in men from South Asia and 107.4 mmhg in women from South Asia compared to 120.7 mmHg and 105.7 mmhg in men and women of East Asia.
- It was anticipated that men from Southern Asia would reach spasm (the highest number) blood pressure of 130 mmHg or higher, classified as high blood pressure in the ACC/AHA guidelines in 2017 in 2017 to prevent, detect, assess and treat high blood pressure in adults 10 years earlier than men from East Asia (aged 36 vs. 46). In the case of women, the gap was 7 years (45 vs. 52 years).
- The combined projection for men and women of Southern Asia to achieve spasm blood pressure of 130 mmHg was 40 years, compared to 49 years for men and women in East Asia-9-year-old.
- In the case of adults in South Asia, high blood pressure observed at an early adult was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In the case of adults in East Asia, higher blood pressure in middle age was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease; Even at the age of 65 and older, high blood pressure was associated with an increased risk of stroke.
- Any increase in the standard trooping of medium -aged blood pressure in adults in East Asia was associated with an ASCVD risk almost 2.5 times and almost four times a risk of stroke. Scenter blood pressure in adults in East Asia at the age of 65 or older was significantly associated with all types of risk of stroke.
- Young antispasmodic blood pressure was strongly associated with peripheral arterial disease in adults in South Asia (2.18 times higher risk to increase standard deviation).
- These discoveries were consistent during the study of the trajectory of blood pressure based on genetic origin, not an ethnic identified.
“These discoveries show the need to adapt research on blood pressure and the date of treatment of various Asian subpopulations to develop a strategy of personalized care and prevention for historically understatement communities,” said the senior author of the study Pradeep Narajan, MD, MDSC., Extraordinary professor at Harvard Medical School. “Separate age-related blood pressure patterns provide valuable information on better cardiovascular risk management and improvement of care for various populations.”
Study details, background and design:
- Health data came from British Biobank, studies 503 325 adults living in Great Britain, who were from 40 to 69 in the provisions in 2006–2010. In -depth information about health and biomedical for participants registered in the United National National Health Service with a British general doctor (just like the primary care doctor in the US) was collected.
- This analysis included 3453 participants. 3077 participants identified as from South Asia and 376 participants identified as from East Asia. 47% of South Asia participants identified themselves as women and 53% as men; 64.9% of East Asia participants identified themselves as women and 35.1% as men.
- ACC/AHA 2017 guidelines for prevention, detection, assessment and management of high blood pressure in adults classify high blood pressure as having upper or lower measures of blood pressure greater or equal to 130/80 mm Hg.
- In British Biobank, participants who identified themselves as from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal or Sri Lanka, are defined as South Asia. Participants who identified themselves as from China are defined as East Asia.
- Characteristics of participants in the UK Biobank included that:
- Adults from South Asia had higher blood pressure readings and at least three times more often they were on antihypertensive drugs compared to adults of East Asia.
- Adults from South Asia had an average higher body weight, measured by a body weight indicator, an average of 27.6 kg/m2 compared to 24.2 mg/m2 in adults in East Asia.
- Adults from South Asia had slightly lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol (128.1 vs. 133.4 mg/dl), probably because cholesterol lowering drugs were more often prescribed (27.5% vs. 10.6%).
- Medical results and documentation collected after saving showed that:
- High blood pressure was affected by almost twice as many adults in South Asia than the adults of East Asia at the age of 40.
- Adults from South Asia more often began to take high blood pressure drugs three years earlier (aged 53.7 vs. 56.9 years, and with medium SBP 143 mmHg and 141 mmHg, respectively).
- Adults from South Asia had four times higher the incidence of heart disease caused by blocked arteries than the adults of East Asia (3.5 vs. 0.9 per 1000 individuals).
- The key risk factors included in the forecasts were: the current state of smoking, defined as burning for life for at least 100 cigarettes and without indicating the stop during registration; The assessment of the diet was quantitatively assessed on the basis of the average consumption of fruit, vegetables, plant products, fish, dairy and vegetable oils, refined grains, meat and drinks sweetened with sugar by the Eatwell National Health Service guide; The socio -economic status was determined using the Towsend deprivation indicator, which is based on the profession, ownership of the car, ownership of the house and overloading of households.
Study restrictions include that its findings may not apply to Asian living outside the UK, because the differences in healthcare systems, life environments and cultural adaptation may affect the results.
“The authors provide important evidence confirming that cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, are not uniformly experienced among various communities, which are often, but improperly aggregated under the” Asian “racing label – said Nilay S. Shah, MD, MD, MD, MPH , Faha, chairman of the President Scientific Statement of the Association in 2024 “Social determinants of cardiovascular health in Asian Americans.” Shah, who was not involved in the study, is an adjunct of cardiology and preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a general and preventive cardiologist at Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern, both in Chicago.
“It is increasingly recognized that ethnic origin is distinguished from biological exhibitions such as genetics. Considering the authors’ ability to assess both, these results show that the epidemiology of hypertension varies both depending on the self -identified Asian group, as well as the genetic Asian origin should lead to a greater study of social differences risk factors that may explain differences in the results of hypertension and results CVD among self -designed ethnic groups;
“Ultimately, these findings from the British Asian adult population suggest the complex mutual impact of social factors and genetics, which causes different experiences of hypertension in Asian populations. There is a lot, much to do to understand cardiovascular risk factors and the results experienced by Asian populations. “