Maintaining activity is one of the most effective ways to support long -term health and reduce the risk of dementia. However, not everyone has time, ability or motivation for structured training every day. Here are some good messages- new research suggests that even small amounts of movement can still provide significant protection against dementia.
Recent test Published in the magazine of medicine after having served and long -term care, it was found that only 35 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, which is about 5 minutes a day, reduced the risk of developing dementia by 41% compared to those who have never been practiced.
“Our findings suggest that increasing physical activity, even only five minutes a day, can reduce the risk of dementia in the elderly. This increases the growing evidence that some exercises are better than nothing, especially in relation to the aging associated with aging, which affects the brain, which currently has no cure ” he said The main author of Amal Wanigatung in a press release.
The discoveries were carried out after almost 90,000 adults with an average age of 63, for about 4.4 years. During the study, scientists followed the level of physical activity and the health of the participants and noticed that 735 of them developed dementia. On average, participants got involved in 126 minutes of moderate to energetic physical activity per week.
The study showed that for every additional 30 minutes moderate to energetic physical activity for a week, the risk of developing dementia decreased by 4%. Although even small amounts of movement help, scientists have noticed a clear pattern, dose-told relationship between the exercise and the reduced risk of dementia. This means that more people practiced, the greater the benefits.
Those who dealt with 36 to 70 minutes of moderate to energetic activity for a week, recorded a decrease in risk of dementia by 60%, while those who practiced for 71 to 140 minutes experienced a reduction by 63%. However, the greatest influence was among people who exceeded 140 minutes a week, reducing the impressive risk of 69%.
“Our results suggest involvement in any additional MVPA [moderate to vigorous physical activity] It reduces the risk of dementia, with the highest benefits among people without MVPA. These associations are not basically modified according to the status of fragility, “summed up the scientists.