Age depends a lot on lifestyle, diet, exercise and even genetics. While the genes that we inherit are beyond our control, the food we choose is a powerful modified factor that can affect the way we feel and look with age. For people who want to prevent premature aging, experts suggest avoiding some foods related to accelerated signs of aging.
Robert WB Love, a neurobiologist known for sharing information on Instagram in order to increase health awareness, recently revealed three groceries that can make people look older than in reality. In his latest postHe explained his 1.5 million observing how each of these food products can speed up the aging process.
Here is the food he recommends to avoid:
Soda at the top of the LOVE food list, which should be avoided for several key reasons. First of all, it promotes weight gain, which can contribute to a more aging appearance and cause metabolic disorders. Secondly, soda causes inflammation in the body, which is a leading factor in the aging process. Chronic inflammation is associated with skin damage, wrinkles and a decrease in overall health. By cutting off a carbonated drink, love suggests that individuals can help reduce these aging effects and promote a healthier, younger appearance.
While the fries are a beloved snack and a universal side dish at many tables, Robert WB Love calls them “double whammy” when it comes to aging because they contribute to both dehydration and inflammation.
How exactly do fries accelerate the aging process? Love explains that the first reason is that they are a high salt content. Excessive salt consumption can lead to dehydration, which is one of the main causes of premature skin aging, including wrinkles and relaxation.
In addition to drainage, the fries are problematic because they are fried deep in oil, which can create advanced glycation end products (centuries). These compounds are associated with increased inflammation in the body, which accelerates the aging process.
Hot dogs:
This may be a surprise for many. While most people realize that processed meat is generally not the best for long -term health, Love says that hot dogs and other processed meat contribute to accelerated aging because they are high in both salt and sulfides.