Tag Archives: aging

Stochastic analysis sheds light on the aging of the ovaries and menopause time

Stochastic analysis sheds light on the aging of the ovaries and menopause time

Menopause, guided by the aging of the ovary and the exhaustion of the ovarian reserve, means the end of the fertility of a woman and although many aspects of these processes are well understood, general dynamics remains unclear. A new study of scientists from Rice University, published on February 10, introduces a new approach to […]

Are you worried about premature aging? The expert recommends avoiding 3 foodstuffs

Are you worried about premature aging? The expert recommends avoiding 3 foodstuffs

Age depends a lot on lifestyle, diet, exercise and even genetics. While the genes that we inherit are beyond our control, the food we choose is a powerful modified factor that can affect the way we feel and look with age. For people who want to prevent premature aging, experts suggest avoiding some foods related […]