Imagine you have just finished training. Your legs are like jelly, your lungs are burning and you just want to fall on the couch. But instead you get up and go for an energetic walk. Although this may seem contrary to intuition, performing slight activity after intensive training – known as “Active recovery” – suggested […]
Tag Archives: exercises
Have you ever wondered why we have brain? The obvious answer might be “think.” But scientist Daniel Wolpert came up with a completely different explanation 2011 meeting : : “We have a brain for one reason and one reason only: to produce flexible and complex movements.” Use your brain to stay efficient In other words, […]
Exercise is great for improving heart health. However, the thought of going to the gym or jogging may discourage some people from doing so. And if you already have heart problems, such dynamic exercises may not be appropriate do it safely. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to do a vigorous workout […]