Tag Archives: improve

The best exercises to improve brain health after age 60

The best exercises to improve brain health after age 60

Have you ever wondered why we have brain? The obvious answer might be “think.” But scientist Daniel Wolpert came up with a completely different explanation 2011 meeting : : “We have a brain for one reason and one reason only: to produce flexible and complex movements.” Use your brain to stay efficient In other words, […]

The juice of this “underrated” berry can help you lose weight and improve your metabolic health

The juice of this “underrated” berry can help you lose weight and improve your metabolic health

Could a simple glass of elderberry juice be the key to weight loss? Scientists are now turning to the dark purple elderberry berries, native to Europe, as a promising tool for weight management and metabolic health. Some preliminary tests has shown that elderberry can help relieve symptoms of flu, colds and other upper respiratory infections. […]

Should I get a weighted vest to improve my fitness? And how heavy should it be?

Should I get a weighted vest to improve my fitness? And how heavy should it be?

Weighted vest training is experiencing a renaissance. Social media posts AND sneakers they promote them as a potential strategy for improving fitness and health. Exercising with extra weight attached to your body is nothing new. This idea was used with soldiers many centuries, if not millennia – think about long hikes with a heavy backpack. […]

Why should you avoid doing the same workout every day if you want to improve your fitness?

Why should you avoid doing the same workout every day if you want to improve your fitness?

Consistency is key when it comes to getting in shape. After all, you can’t get fit if you don’t put in the work in the gym. But are there any benefits to doing the same workout day after day? Some influencers say yes – saying that doing it exactly the same training for years was […]

New research shows how long, intensely and often you need to stretch to improve your flexibility

New research shows how long, intensely and often you need to stretch to improve your flexibility

Can you reach out and touch your toes without bending your knees? Can you reach both arms above your head? If this sounds like a struggle, you may lack flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through it full range of motion. It helps you do most sports activities and can prevent muscle […]