Tag Archives: sepsis

Surprising effects strengthening Prozac’s resistance can lead to new methods of treating sepsis

Surprising effects strengthening Prozac’s resistance can lead to new methods of treating sepsis

Antidepressants, such as prozac, are usually prescribed in the treatment of mental health disorders, but new studies suggest that they can also protect against serious infections and life -threatening sepsis. Scientists from the Salk Institute have now discovered how drugs are able to regulate the immune system and defend against infectious diseases that could lead […]

The man who burned the thumb while cooking forced to amputate both legs because of sepsis

The man who burned the thumb while cooking forced to amputate both legs because of sepsis

What began as a small burn on the thumb while cooking dinner during the campsite changed into a life-threatening trial for a 40-year-old man in Colorado. After developing a severe infection, sepsis was put into a coma and forced to amputate both legs. An unexpected tragedy began for Max Armstrong from Franktown while hunting with […]