Tag Archives: time

Can the time of the week affect the risk of death due to surgery? Here is the worst day to act

Can the time of the week affect the risk of death due to surgery? Here is the worst day to act

If you are planning surgery, here is an interesting study that you should know about: scientists have found that the risk of death due to surgery may depend on the time of the week in which it is planned, identifying the worst day of surgery. . test Published in Jama Network, it emphasizes an important […]

Stochastic analysis sheds light on the aging of the ovaries and menopause time

Stochastic analysis sheds light on the aging of the ovaries and menopause time

Menopause, guided by the aging of the ovary and the exhaustion of the ovarian reserve, means the end of the fertility of a woman and although many aspects of these processes are well understood, general dynamics remains unclear. A new study of scientists from Rice University, published on February 10, introduces a new approach to […]

Life in areas in an adverse situation reduces the survival time by over 30%

Life in areas in an adverse situation reduces the survival time by over 30%

Living in a community in an adverse situation can shorten the time in which a person can survive with an aniotrophic abdominal sclerosis or ALS, by over 30%, suggests a LED examination in Michigan. ALS is a progressive, incurable state that causes muscle waste and loss of muscle control. While most people experience about two […]